cancellare i cookie, la cache, ecc. in ambiente android
Junk Files - Clean Cache and Residual Files
Android devices, cache and residual files can build up and occupy
gigabytes of your phone's space. Cleaning junk files can help free up
memory on your device and SD card.
Memory Boost - Increase memory and speed up your device
running in the background not only occupy system RAM, but also waste
your battery life. Memory Boost can stop other apps that are running in
the background and free up more RAM to speed up your Android device.
This includes a shortcut called "1 Tap Boost", easily accessible from
your home screen. Running Android apps and play games faster ever than
Privacy - Delete History
is important and many of your apps silently record your personal data,
such as your web browser data, Google search history, and more. Clean
Master can erase this information and keep your personal data secure.
App Manager - Uninstaller, Backup, Move to SD
uninstaller that is an improvement over the default Android version,
which is also able to create backup .apk files. Some rooted users will
also be able to move apps to their SD card as well as uninstall
pre-installed and system apps.
Widget - Memory Booster Widget
handy widget that allows you to instantly boost your phone's memory
from a easy widget. To enable the widget, just touch the homescreen with
a long hold until a window appears, then scroll down and select the
Clean Master Widget.