Learn ten steps to make your computer run faster & more efficiently & always performing at its best.
In this ONE hour live, on-line course your tutor will reveal:
Ten tasks you should do regularly to ensure your PC or laptop runs at its best
Secrets ONLY 5% of computer users know that guarantees a fast PC every time
Why take this course?
Yes, you can do your own computer maintenance.
I-PHONE unlock
3G 3GS 4S
lundi 19 octobre 2015
mardi 1 septembre 2015
jeudi 20 août 2015
mercredi 8 juillet 2015
eBook Converter Bundle
eBook Converter Bundle is tools decrypt and convert eBooks purchased from Kindle, Google Play, Sony, Kobo and other online eBook stores in batch with 1-click. it is the most easy-to-use eBook conversion software ever, convert ebook to PDF / ePub / Kindle / Word / Html / Text format with 1-click,
Decrypt and convert Kindle,Adobe digital editions, NOOK eBook.
Support Kindle,Adobe ADE, NOOK DRM protection.
Support Google ebook, Kobo eBook, Sony eBook.
Support Public library eBook.
Convert eBook to PDF, ePub,Kindle, Word, HTML, Text
Easy to use, 1-click converter.
Coolutils Total PDF Converter
Total PDF Converter converts PDF files to HTML, DOC (Word), text, Excel, PostScript, CSV or image files (e.g. TIFF). When you need to convert PDF files to other formats or PS to PDF, Total PDF Converter is the ultimate choice. Why? Because, it's fast, easy-to-handle, accurate, doesn't require Adobe Acrobat, supports many target formats and has a batch option (can convert hundreds of PDF files as well as single files). In addition to this, registered users get command line support to manage the utility with maximum efficiency.
mardi 7 juillet 2015
CoffeeCup HTML Editor
You want to create great websites. Totally stellar, kick-butt websites
that leave people saying, “Wow, you really made that?” Consider the HTML
Editor your new best friend. HTML veterans, you’ll create
standards-compliant sites using powerful tools like code completion and
built-in validation. Get ready to utilize resources like comprehensive
tag references and vibrant website themes.
Get Started in Seconds
Getting to work on your website is lightning quick thanks to a wide range of start options. You can create new HTML or CSS files from scratch, or get a jumpstart on a pro design by launching a new project from an existing theme or layout.
Already have a site in progress? Open its files from your computer, or open them straight from your web server. With the Open From Web option, you can actually take any website as a starting point, and it doesn’t have to be yours.
Manage Website Projects
Get Started in Seconds
Getting to work on your website is lightning quick thanks to a wide range of start options. You can create new HTML or CSS files from scratch, or get a jumpstart on a pro design by launching a new project from an existing theme or layout.
Already have a site in progress? Open its files from your computer, or open them straight from your web server. With the Open From Web option, you can actually take any website as a starting point, and it doesn’t have to be yours.
Manage Website Projects
Pointstone System Cleaner
System Cleaner is a tool for restoring hard-drive space, cleaning up the history of your activities on your computer and keeping your system running like new. The program allows you to clean your drives from unnecessary and temporary files, including your browser cache, cookies, history, recent document list, temporary files, errant uninstall entries and more. It targets more than 100 file extensions, which enable it to scan and recognize most of the unnecessary files on your computer. You can choose to delete the files to the recycle bin or to a specified backup folder. In addition, System Cleaner includes a Windows Startup manager and also allows you to remove invalid uninstaller information from the registry as well as a restore wizard to undo the changes if needed.
dimanche 24 mai 2015
Abbiamo selezionato tre schede grafiche per il gamer con un costo medio
dopo i test effettuati le abbaimo classificate in questo ordine:

Al fine di rispondere al bisogno di memoria di alcuni giochi come Battlefield 4,questa carta monta 4Go di memoria al alta velocità di tipo DDR5 se dal punto di vista delle performace questa carta si dimostra sorprendente. Grazie alla tecnologia di raffreddamento

DirectCU II questa carta migliora le caratteristiche di dissipazione rendendola meno rumorosa delle versioni predecenti.

dopo i test effettuati le abbaimo classificate in questo ordine:
1° ASUS R9 290 Direct CU II
Questa carta grafica Asus Radeon R9 290X 4 Go è basata sulla nuova generazione di GPU con nome in codice HAWAI, questo processore grafico non solo rende fluidi e immersivi i nuovi giochi ma rende ancora più realistici i giochi in 3D.

Al fine di rispondere al bisogno di memoria di alcuni giochi come Battlefield 4,questa carta monta 4Go di memoria al alta velocità di tipo DDR5 se dal punto di vista delle performace questa carta si dimostra sorprendente. Grazie alla tecnologia di raffreddamento

DirectCU II questa carta migliora le caratteristiche di dissipazione rendendola meno rumorosa delle versioni predecenti.

vendredi 22 mai 2015
Per proteggere l'accesso al vostro PC è possibile utilizzare una chiave USB grazie al software Predator.
in questo modo predator blocca l'accesso al pc anche se la sessione è aperta, questo puo' risultare utile in caso di nostra momentanea assenza
Rimuovendo la chiavetta la tastiera e il mouse diventano inattivi e lo schermo nero.
in questo modo predator blocca l'accesso al pc anche se la sessione è aperta, questo puo' risultare utile in caso di nostra momentanea assenza
Rimuovendo la chiavetta la tastiera e il mouse diventano inattivi e lo schermo nero.
Epoca dei classificatori e armadi pieni di documenti è finita.
Grazie allo scanner e ad alcuni software è sempre più semplice.
La gestione elettronica dei documenti G.E.D - ECM ( Enterprise Content Management) vi permette di conservare e classificare i vostri documenti direttmente dentro il pc o nel clouds.
Con ausilio di alcuni software è sempre più semplice catalogare e archiviare i documenti.
In questo modo si possono avere a portata di un clic i documenti archiviati.
Grazie allo scanner e ad alcuni software è sempre più semplice.
La gestione elettronica dei documenti G.E.D - ECM ( Enterprise Content Management) vi permette di conservare e classificare i vostri documenti direttmente dentro il pc o nel clouds.
Con ausilio di alcuni software è sempre più semplice catalogare e archiviare i documenti.
In questo modo si possono avere a portata di un clic i documenti archiviati.
lundi 4 mai 2015
Secure Your PC
Secure Your PC whit malwarebytes
Malwarebytes is available as a free download,
When installing the program on your PC, make sure you uncheck the box that enables the free trial of the Pro version.
The free version of the program doesn’t automatically download
new malware definitions, so you’ll need to do update it each time
you use it. Switch to the ‘Settings’ tab to tweak the behaviour of
the program, although the defaults should work for most people
Malwarebytes is available as a free download,
When installing the program on your PC, make sure you uncheck the box that enables the free trial of the Pro version.
The free version of the program doesn’t automatically download
new malware definitions, so you’ll need to do update it each time
you use it. Switch to the ‘Settings’ tab to tweak the behaviour of
the program, although the defaults should work for most people
Repair Windows
FixWin 2.0 for Windows 8
FixWin is a simple tool for troubleshooting your Windows installation. You can use the tool to fix more than 50 Windows problems and annoyances that might be caused by malicious malware.
The latest edition of the program, FixWin 2.0, is designed to
resolve issues with Windows 8.1. FixWin for Windows 7, Vista and XP also available.
If you’re on Windows 7, stick
to version one.
http://bit.ly/1BqhQ2R to download the tool
vendredi 24 avril 2015
Con la nuova GPU Maxwell Nvidia propone una nuova carta grafica di alte prestazioni destinata in particolare a chi usa il pc per i giochi di nuova generazione sempre piu' esigenti in termini di prestazioni.
Questa nuova scheda viene equipaggiata di 4 Go di memoria DDR5 per delle performace visive incredibili con delle immagini ultra fluide anche in 4k.
Grazie alla tecnologia GPU boost versione 2.0 questa nuova scheda puo' aumentare in frequenza quando questo necessità per garantire sempre più immagini per secondo.
Questa nuova versione apporta delle opzioni di personalizzazione avanzate e si puo' ormai controllare non solo overclocking ma anche la temperatura e la sovratensione del processore grafico.
vendredi 17 avril 2015
Queste cpu pur essendo spinte, difficilmente potranno superare di un 8% le prestazioni dell'ultima della serie i7 che grazie alle sue doti resterà per diverso tempo una delle cpu più utilizzate sui sistemi di fascia alta.
mercredi 15 avril 2015
XEON performante e affidabile
Intel propone ormai la sua nuova gamma di processori XEON.
Questo nuovo processore con 4 cuori a 3.5GHz e i suoi 8 Mo di cache L3
è ideale per essere utilizzato su server.
Questa serie di processori e dotata della tecnologia turbo boost 2.0 che permette di ottimizzare la sua velocità in funzione della sua utilizzazione.
Questa versine di processori è basata sulla architettura Intel Haswell e il socket 1150.
I consumi di questo processore e di 84 w.
Intel propone ormai la sua nuova gamma di processori XEON.
Questo nuovo processore con 4 cuori a 3.5GHz e i suoi 8 Mo di cache L3
è ideale per essere utilizzato su server.
Questa serie di processori e dotata della tecnologia turbo boost 2.0 che permette di ottimizzare la sua velocità in funzione della sua utilizzazione.
Questa versine di processori è basata sulla architettura Intel Haswell e il socket 1150.
I consumi di questo processore e di 84 w.
Solid-State Storage
i nuovi ssd si presentano come schede PCI in grado di velocità ancora più elevate in grado di raggiungere i 2000 mo al secondo
con consumi ridotti al minimo circa 10 w e max 15 w in funzionamento
lundi 23 mars 2015
Gives you full-fledged turn-by-turn navigation. Functionality such as speed warnings, street sign displays, 3D-view (isometric) and much more is of course included
Full-fledged navigation with voice prompts (turn-by-turn)
* Completely interactive OpenStreetMap
* One single map with global coverage
Gives you full-fledged turn-by-turn navigation. Functionality such as speed warnings, street sign displays, 3D-view (isometric) and much more is of course included
Full-fledged navigation with voice prompts (turn-by-turn)
* Completely interactive OpenStreetMap
* One single map with global coverage
vendredi 20 mars 2015
Nokia HERE
Con HERE puoi cercare, navigare e ricevere indicazioni in tutto il mondo, anche senza una connessione internet perchè le mappe si scaricano
direttamente nello smartphone o tablet anche sulla carta Sd.
Nuove carte interattive e in 3d di centri commerciali e aeroporti di 70 paesi.
jeudi 19 mars 2015
OfficeSuite 8 Premium
OfficeSuite ti consente
di visualizzare, modificare e creare Word, Excel, PowerPoint e PDF
tutto dalla soluzione più ricca di funzionalità mobili per ufficio
disponibile per smartphone e tablet Android.
Speed camera radar Pro v1.48
Applicazione per rilevare zone di pericolo
sulla strada dossi, strade dissestate autovelox e altro
Gli utenti possono aggiungere punti per il database comune.
Se si è connessi a internet si sarà in grado di monitorare il traffico sulle strade.
L'applicazione può essere eseguita in background .
È sempre possibile ottenere un aggiornamento del database.
Gli utenti possono aggiungere punti per il database comune.
Se si è connessi a internet si sarà in grado di monitorare il traffico sulle strade.
L'applicazione può essere eseguita in background .
È sempre possibile ottenere un aggiornamento del database.
mercredi 18 mars 2015
Jailbreak i-phone6
grazie al Jailbreak molte applicazioni trovano in Cydia uno store alternativo a quello di apple.
Con Pangu, un tool capace di effettuare il Jailbreak di dispositivi che hanno come sistema operativo iOS 8.0 e 8.1. A si puo' eseguire il Jailbreak dell' iphone6.
Invece per le nueve release di iOS la 8.1.1 e iOS 8.2 beta un altro gruppo ha rilasciato il tool TaiG per eseguire il Jailbreak visto che Apple aveva riscritto il codice impedendo di fatto a pingu di sbloccare le nuove versioni di ios.
Videosorveglianza anche notturna
Le videocamere mydlink consentono di tenere sotto controllo casa e abitazioni commerciali sia di giorno che di notte
Questa telecamera consente di eseguire una sorveglianza professionale sia
in casa sia in ufficio grazie a una qualità video HD che restituisce
immagini discretamente nitide.
Grazie alla sua interfaccia Powerline potrai installarla in ogni angolo della casa. Garantisce immagini video e audio, anche in completa oscurità, grazie ai LED a infrarossi fino a 8 metri.
Questa telecamera consente di eseguire una sorveglianza professionale sia
in casa sia in ufficio grazie a una qualità video HD che restituisce
immagini discretamente nitide.
Grazie alla sua interfaccia Powerline potrai installarla in ogni angolo della casa. Garantisce immagini video e audio, anche in completa oscurità, grazie ai LED a infrarossi fino a 8 metri.
mardi 17 mars 2015
GPS Navigazione e mappe Sygic
GPS Navigation Italia v15.0.6 + POI + Autovelox (28.02.2015) .apk - ITA
• Mappe TomTom di alta qualità memorizzate nel dispositivo
• Funzionamento solo con il GPS, anche in assenza di connessione Internet
• Navigazione guidata con indicazioni vocali passo-passo
• Milioni di punti di interesse gratuiti preinstallati
• Aggiornamenti gratuiti delle mappe e del database dei punti di interesse
• Aggiornamenti gratuiti dei rilevatori di velocità fissi
• Pronuncia vocale dei nomi delle vie che aiuta a non distrarsi dalla guida
• Possibilità di scegliere fra tre percorsi alternativi
• Facile modifica del percorso grazie alla funzionalità di trascinamento
• Gestione di punti di riferimento (waypoint) per i luoghi che si desidera visitare
• Possibilità di escludere le strade a pedaggio dal percorso
samedi 14 mars 2015
YouTube Secrets - Making Money From Your Own YouTube Videos

See exactly why I'm so successful with YouTube (I'm making $2,000 a month, averaging over 1 million views and 1,000 new subscribers every month)
See inside my YouTube account
See everything that I do to get these amazing figures
jeudi 12 mars 2015
Make A Windows 8.1 Installation Flash Drive
Having your install files on a USB drive is useful for those instances when your PC doesn’t have an installed optical drive. A USBdrive is also a lot more portable than a CD.
mardi 10 mars 2015
All-In-One Toolbox Pro
All In One è un app che
al suo interno comprende ben 29 tools utili per gestire a fondo
qualsiasi sistema basato su android, sicuramente una delle più complete
presenti nel Google Play.
samedi 7 mars 2015
vendredi 27 février 2015
HippoEDIT is a powerful, fast and easy to use Windows text editor,
primarily targeted at power users and programmers. It has modern and
lightweight user interface, which supports different interface schemes,
Multi Tab environment, seamless web and help browser, File Explorer and
Project Explorer, external tools integration and more smart text editor

Comes with pre-defined syntax highlighting for PHP, HTML, Perl, Java, Pascal, C/C++, XML, XSLT and more. Programming language definitions are inheritable and embeddable (JavaScript, PHP and CSS in HTML for example). Additional programming languages can be plugged with user syntax files.
Comes with pre-defined syntax highlighting for PHP, HTML, Perl, Java, Pascal, C/C++, XML, XSLT and more. Programming language definitions are inheritable and embeddable (JavaScript, PHP and CSS in HTML for example). Additional programming languages can be plugged with user syntax files.
UnHackMe 7.70
removes malware invisible to your antivirus
UnHackMe - First BootWatch AntiRootkit! Now it is the must have tool for you! UnHackMe is specially designed to detect and remove Rootkits (a new generation of Trojan programs - invisible Trojans). A rootkit is a program that a hacker uses to mask intrusion and obtain
Lazesoft Recovery Suite 4.0.1
How to Boot a Computer from a Lazesoft Recovery USB Device
Windows operating system, or when your computer will not start normally. You can fix most computer problems easily and quickly by creating a Lazesoft autoboot rescue CD or USB disk and then rebooting your computer using it.Lazesoft Windows Recovery
For repairing any boot and crash errors caused by virus infections or accidental file corruption.
Lazesoft Data Recovery
For recovering your important files from your hard drive, memory cards or flash drives after accidental deletion, reformatting or file corruption.
Lazesoft Recover My Password
For recovering your Windows local or domain administrator password when you have forgotten or lost it; And for recovering your Windows CD installation key, needed when reinstalling your Windows operating system.
lundi 23 février 2015
Mastering Excel Array Formulas
Command The Power of the 'Array Formula' in
Microsoft Excel!
with >Control+Shift+Enter>by Mike 'ExcelIsFun' Girvin
Array Formulas are a powerful tool in Excel. An Array Formula works with a series of Data Values instead of a single Value. Excel Array Formulas are mysterious, even to people who use Excel 40 hours a week. Start with the secret keystroke that must be used to finish an Array Formula: Ctrl+Shift+Enter. Then, you have to know which functions will work with Arrays and which will not. Once you get a grasp on Array Formulas, you will find they solve problems that regular Excel Formulas can not solve, or would require hundreds of thousands of regular Formulas. Click here to Read More...
The >Control+Shift+Enter> DVD is not just for beginners..
*A Note About This Product:
The above DVD, >Ctrl+Shift+Enter>, by Mike >ExcelIsFun> Girvin, Does Not follow along the same format as the book of the same title.
This DVD is a stand-alone product with it's own format.
>The DVD 'Ctrl+Shift+Enter: Mastering Excel Array Formulas' is a separate product from the book. The two products cover the same broad topics related to creating efficient array formulas. However, the video has kinetic visuals of how array formulas work and less detail than the book. The book has a more complete story and systematic presentation of array formulas. If you really want to master array formulas, study both the book and the DVD.>
The book of the same title [>Control+Shift+Enter>, by Mike Girvin] is NOT part of this DVD as the formats between the two products differ greatly.
samedi 7 février 2015
Installare Windows 7 da Hard Disk esterno
si puo' installare Windows sia su un Hard disk esterno che grazie alla funzione di boot e alla configurazione bios impostata su USB puo' essere usato per lavorare direttamente con il disco esterno oppure per avere una copia di windows da installare sul pc senza passare dal CD-rom.
innanzi tutto bisogna rendere l’hard disk bootabile per fare questo basta collegare hard disk al pc e tramite il tasto destro del mouse su Risorse del computer e poi andare su gestione. Da li andare su Gestione Disco, cliccare sul vostro hard disk esterno con il destro e selezionare Contrassegna partizione come attiva.
mercredi 28 janvier 2015
Introduction to HTML
HTML is a markup language used by every website in the world. It is a
simple language to learn, but it is also very powerful. Learn how to
build a web page with HTML, using professional best practices. Get to
know the main tags and how to use them semantically. Test and validate
your code to ensure compatibility across browsers and devices.
What you'll learn
*This course covers the basics of HTML, its best practices and how you can use it to structure web pages. HTML is the language of the web. All websites, big and small, use it. That?s why you should be familiar with all that this language has to offer.
What you'll learn
*This course covers the basics of HTML, its best practices and how you can use it to structure web pages. HTML is the language of the web. All websites, big and small, use it. That?s why you should be familiar with all that this language has to offer.
mardi 27 janvier 2015
review Excel VBA and Macros with MrExcel
In Excel VBA and Macros with MrExcel, renowned Excel instructor and
author Bill Jelen (MrExcel) teaches all the skills youll need to
automate virtually any routine task with Excel and build powerful Excel
macros! This package brings together nearly eight hours hours of
personalized, expert video training: 50 quick, practical video lessons
that demonstrate all the skills youll need to successfully use both the
Excel macro recorder and the Visual Basic for Applications development
environment. Youll learn one step at a time, at your own paceusing
hands-on examples that reflect realistic challenges and showcase Excels
remarkable capabilities. Along the way, Jelen will take you from the
absolute basics through PivotTables and data filtering.
Excel VBA and Macros with MrExcel delivers the power of the best classroom training at a small fraction of the cost. If you dont have time to read a huge book on Excel macros and scripting, this is exactly what youve been searching for!
For all serious Excel users: managers, financial pros, entrepreneurs, marketers, analysts, and more.
Looking for a better way to master todays rapidly changing technologies? Want expert help, but dont have the time or energy to read a book? Cant find classroom training worth the money? Discover LiveLessons: self-paced, personal video instruction from the worlds leading technology experts.
Excel VBA and Macros with MrExcel delivers the power of the best classroom training at a small fraction of the cost. If you dont have time to read a huge book on Excel macros and scripting, this is exactly what youve been searching for!
For all serious Excel users: managers, financial pros, entrepreneurs, marketers, analysts, and more.
Looking for a better way to master todays rapidly changing technologies? Want expert help, but dont have the time or energy to read a book? Cant find classroom training worth the money? Discover LiveLessons: self-paced, personal video instruction from the worlds leading technology experts.
lundi 26 janvier 2015
YouTube Traffic
This course will teach you the little known secrets of getting website traffic from YouTube.
dimanche 25 janvier 2015
Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010 Step by Step
Teach yourself exactly what you need to know about using Microsoft Word,
Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote-one step at a time! With STEP BY STEP,
you build and practice new skills hands-on, at your own pace. Topics
include creating effective documents; using themes, templates, and other
formatting tools; building spreadsheets to perform calculations and
manage data; producing and delivering compelling presentations;
digitally organizing your notes and to-do lists; and other core topics.
vendredi 23 janvier 2015
iPhone and iPad Security Fundamentals
Keep the critical information on your iPad and iPhone safe and secure
with these proactive and surprisingly simple measures.
helping iOS users understand security risks as well as what to do when a device is lost or stolen.
You'll also learn how to protect passwords on a device, secure location data, protect devices from malware, and locate, disable, or even erase devices when they go missing.
* Protecting passwords
* Keeping iOS and apps up to date
* Enabling locks
* Locating and disabling a lost device
* Adjusting app privacy permissions
* Installing malware-free apps
* Erasing a device-or preventing it from being erased
helping iOS users understand security risks as well as what to do when a device is lost or stolen.
You'll also learn how to protect passwords on a device, secure location data, protect devices from malware, and locate, disable, or even erase devices when they go missing.
* Protecting passwords
* Keeping iOS and apps up to date
* Enabling locks
* Locating and disabling a lost device
* Adjusting app privacy permissions
* Installing malware-free apps
* Erasing a device-or preventing it from being erased
lundi 19 janvier 2015
udemy - Introduction To Linux
This course is a natural first step in your journey of Linux exploration and discovery. At Linux Academy by Pinehead, all of our courses are taught by instructors with a combined 30+ years of experience in Information Technology and Linux.
Lynda - C Essential Training
Widely used for both systems and application development, C is a
powerful language at the heart of many more modern languages, like
JavaScript and Objective-C. In this course, professor Isac Artzi
dissects the anatomy of C, from data types, strings, and variables to
simple functions. He'll show how these basic elements fit together in
control structures like loops and if-else statements?where the real
logic behind your code comes into play. Plus, learn how C organizes
information into arrays and how you can manage memory resources with
C is a great first step for new programmers, and a way to broaden and deepen your knowledge if you've already programmed for a while.
C is a great first step for new programmers, and a way to broaden and deepen your knowledge if you've already programmed for a while.
Lynda - Speeding Up Your Home PC Training
Is your computer sluggish? Cluttered? Bursting at the seams? In this
course, author and computer teacher Laura Bungarz shares some of her
favorite techniques to help you speed up your home PC. Learn about
defragmenting, checking your RAM, sorting files, and using utilities you
already have to clean up "behind the scenes." Laura will also provide
tips on upgrading your computer and, if your budget permits, looking for
a new PC.
Topics include:
* Cleaning the desktop
* Organizing files with folders
* Using Disk Cleanup, msconfig, and Disk Defragmenter
* Freeing up disk space
* Buying and installing RAM
* Upgrading your computer
Topics include:
* Cleaning the desktop
* Organizing files with folders
* Using Disk Cleanup, msconfig, and Disk Defragmenter
* Freeing up disk space
* Buying and installing RAM
* Upgrading your computer
InfiniteSkills - Advanced Java Programming Training Video
In this advanced Java training course, expert author Mike McMillan
builds on his beginners Java course, and goes deeper into programming
topics that help you to understand these more advanced Java concepts.
Designed for the more experienced Java developer, you should have a good
working knowledge of the Java programming language before going through
this tutorial.
dimanche 11 janvier 2015
GRATIS AVG Internet Security
AVG Internet Security 2015
provides you with protection against viruses, malware, spam, scams,
phishing, and more. Plus, it has additional features such as a firewall,
internet accelerator, privacy protector, and more.
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